
About Brittany's Bakery

Some of my earliest memories are baking with my Grandma Jones, sneaking tastes of the cookie dough or  buttercream frosting when I thought she wasn't looking.  Of course, she knew exactly what I was doing and didn't mind doing a little "quality control" herself just before the beaters were tossed into the sink.  She was an amazing baker and cook and truly loved every minute she spent in the kitchen.  Growing up next door to her and grandpa, we ate most of our meals at their place and dinner was never complete without an equally fantastic dessert.  Pies, cakes, brownies, cookies...you name it, she made it (AND perfected it)!

I've recently found myself with loads of free time as I'm unemployed for the first time since I was 16 years old!  So, I thought, why not use my newfound freedom to dust off the old recipe box and try out some of my grandma's tried and true recipes.  I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do and I would love for you to share your family favorites too.

Happy Baking!!


  1. This is fantastic, Brittany!! What a great way to honor your grandmother!! She was the best!! Loved her so much!

  2. Thanks Lara! Mom and I spent a long time going through recipes tonight, it brought back so many good memories : )

  3. This is gonna be good! Sharon was a fantastic cook, and I can't wait to get some of her recipes.

  4. I am so excited to try out some of your recipes! It's the perfect season for pies :)
